Cute baby elephant nursery animal isolated illustration for children. Bohemian watercolor boho forest elephant family drawing, watercolour image. Perfect for nursery posters, patterns. Birthday

Cute baby elephant nursery animal isolated illustration for children. Bohemian watercolor boho forest elephant family drawing, watercolour image. Perfect for nursery posters, patterns. Birthday

Author : kris_art

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Minimum de 20in x 20in
Portrait: maximum 46in x 90in
Lanscape: maximum 90in x 46in
If your Canvas is mounted on a wooden frame,
Note that the side of the frame will be black unless special requested
Our delivery times for canvases mounted on a wooden frame are 4 to 6 weeks
Unit price
0,00$ 50.0% off
0,00 CAD
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0,00$ CAD cannot guarantee that the color of your canvas, as shown on your screen, will be identical to the final printed colors. Color display varies from one screen to another.

Covid-19 (Corona Virus) client information

Please note that we will remain open. However, our production workshop will be closed to the public.

Your orders will be processed, printed and delivered according to the same deadlines as usual.